Frequently Asked Questions

Is RBXFruits legitimate?

Absolutely! RBXFruits partners with advertising agencies to reward users for completing quizzes, watching videos, downloading apps, and more!

Is RBXFruits effective?

Absolutely! We've distributed a substantial amount of Robux. Check out our withdrawal log and vouches on our Discord server!

How can I earn Robux?

Want to earn Robux? Complete offers from our partner advertisers, including watching videos, taking quizzes, and downloading apps!

Is safe to use?

Absolutely! At, your privacy and safety are our top concerns. Rest assured, we prioritize security to ensure your experience on our site is safe and enjoyable. If you have any further inquiries, feel free to reach out to us on our Discord server and our staff will be more than happy to assist you!

Where can I reach out to you?

Feel free to get in touch with us either on our Discord server or through Instagram for any questions or support you need. We're here to help!